Oct 15, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Grading and Academic Progress




Grading System

The following system of grading is used at Fairmont State:

A Superior. Given only to students for exceptional performance
B Good. Given for performance distinctly above average in quality
C Average. Given for performance of average quality
D Lowest passing grade, for performance of poor quality
F Failure. Course must be repeated if credit is to be received
I Incomplete, a temporary grade given only when students have completed more than 70% of the course, but are unable to conclude it because of unavoidable circumstance. Beginning with courses taken during the first semester, 1975-76, the letter grade “I” will be omitted from the calculation of the grade point average for a period of one year following the issuance of the “I.” At the end of the one-year period, the instructor must submit a final grade. If no change is made by the instructor, the grade “I” will be changed to “F.” Students must never register for a course in which they have an incomplete grade.
W Withdrew
CR Credit/grade of “C” or higher. Does not affect quality points (see below)
NC No Credit. Does not affect quality points
NCX No Credit, indicating a significant lack of effort. Does not affect quality points.
NR Not Reported. Given when instructor has not submitted grade
S Satisfactory. Given for Continuing Education courses only
U Unsatisfactory. Given for Continuing Education courses only

Quality Points

The value of a student’s work is indicated by quality points. Candidates for graduation must have at least twice as many quality points as GPA hours; that is, a point-average of 2.0 on all college work. Quality points for grades A, B, C, D, are computed as follows:

A Four (4) quality points for each semester hour of credit
B Three (3) quality points for each semester hour of credit
C Two (2) quality points for each semester hour of credit
D One (1) quality point for each semester hour of credit

Students’ grade averages are determined by dividing the number of quality points by the number of GPA hours. No quality points are attached to grades of F, but the GPA hours for the courses in which these grades are received will be used in computing grade averages.

In order to graduate, candidates for degrees must maintain a grade point average of 2.0 or better in all college courses and in all credit earned at Fairmont State. An average of 2.0 must also be maintained in the major and minor fields of study. Students in the teacher education program must attain a grade point average of 2.75 overall, in each teaching field and in professional education.

It is the student’s responsibility to remain informed of quality point standing. This information can be obtained at any time from the Registrar’s Office.

Example for Computing Grade-point Average

Courses Taken Final Grade Quality Points X Sem. Hours = Quality Points (Total)
ENGL 1101   A 4   3   12
BIOL 1105   D 1   4   4
HIST 2211   B 3   3   9
SOCY 1110   C 2   3   6
POLI 1100   B 3   3   9
MATH 1510   W -   -   -
    13   16   40

40 Quality Points
16 Semester Hours= 2.5 Grade-Point Average


Credit/No Credit Option

Any student who has completed 58 or more semester hours of credit may select one course per semester on a credit/no credit basis; such courses are to be considered part of the regularly scheduled load. A maximum of 18 semester hours may be completed with this option.

Students may not choose this option for the following courses:

  1. Major and minor
  2. Education certification program

Courses taken under this option will be recorded but will not be reflected in the quality point index. Credit courses will count toward graduation.

Selection of a course for credit/no credit must be made at registration with the approval of the student’s academic advisor, and may not be changed after the end of the add-drop period.

The grade of CR means C or better.


Incomplete Grade

A grade of incomplete (I) is a temporary grade given only when students have completed more than 70% of the course, but are unable to conclude it because of unavoidable circumstance. Beginning with courses taken during the first semester, the letter grade “I” will be omitted from the calculation of the grade point average for a period of one year following the issuance of the “I.” At the end of the one-year period, the instructor must submit a final grade. If no change is made by the instructor, the grade “I” will be changed to “F.” Students must never register for a course in which they have an incomplete grade.


Grade Reports

Students can access mid-term and final grades by logging on to my.fairmontstate.edu and entering Felix and then selecting Student and Financial Aid, and then student records.


Academic Forgiveness Policy


The academic forgiveness policy allows forgiveness of D and F grades of a new or returning student for the purpose of calculating the Grade Point Average (GPA) required for graduation.

Academic forgiveness is available to any new or returning Fairmont State student who has not been enrolled as a full-time student (12-credit hours or more) in any higher education institution for at least four consecutive years.

  • A forgiven course cannot be used to satisfy any course prerequisite.

  • Course substitutions are not permitted in situations where academic forgiveness has previously been applied.

  • Any earned credits to be forgiven must not have been applied to a previously awarded degree.

  • Academic forgiveness cannot be applied to courses taken on a Credit/No-credit basis.

  • Academic forgiveness will not be applied to any course in which the student was found in violation of an academic integrity policy.

  • Grades that are eligible for forgiveness will remain on the student’s transcript but will be excluded from the GPA calculation.

  • Academic forgiveness is granted only once for any student.

  • Fairmont State may accept academic forgiveness transferred from another institution if the student was in good standing when they left the prior institution. A student transferring academic forgiveness from a previous institution is not eligible for academic forgiveness again at Fairmont State.

  • Fairmont State is not bound by the decision of any other institution to disregard grades earned in university-level courses. Similarly, students should be aware that academic forgiveness extended by Fairmont State many not be recognized by other institutions to which they may transfer.

Procedure After Returning or Transferring to Fairmont State for Eligible Students
  • After returning to Fairmont State, a student must complete at least 12 graded credit hours with a minimum of a 2.0 GPA to be eligible for academic forgiveness.
  • The student has the choice between requesting academic forgiveness for either all D and F grades or only F grades. The student’s choice is a final decision and cannot be subsequently reversed. A student no longer receives credit for any forgiven courses with a grade of D.

Financial Aid Statement: The Department of Education does not recognize academic forgiveness for Financial Aid purposes. Financial Aid must count all coursework that a student has attempted with the original grades to determine financial aid eligibility. Candidates for academic forgiveness may receive financial assistance during the readmission semester if under Financial Aid Probation and/or Academic Plan. If the student does not meet the financial aid standards of SAP or the requirements of their Academic Plan at the end of the readmission semester, student’s financial aid will be suspended as dictated by the Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy. Candidates must notify Financial Aid Services once officially readmitted in order for financial aid eligibility to be determined at that time.

Academic Forgiveness Request Contact Information

Fairmont State University Office of the Registrar
1201 Locust Avenue
Turley Center Fairmont, WV 26554
Phone: (304) 367-4141
Email: registrar@fairmontstate.edu


Academic Progress, Probation, and Suspension

Satisfactory Academic Standing

A student is deemed to be in Satisfactory Academic Standing when his/her cumulative grade point average, based upon coursework taken at Fairmont State, is 2.0 or higher.

Unsatisfactory Academic Standing

A student is deemed to be in Unsatisfactory Academic Standing when his/her cumulative grade point average, based upon coursework taken at Fairmont State, is below 2.0.

Academic Warning

At the end of each term, an active student whose term GPA falls below a 2.0 will be placed on Academic Warning and a notation of Academic Warning will be placed on the academic transcript. Academic Warning is not punitive and does not alter or affect a student’s current or subsequent term registration. Instead, the student will be referred to various and appropriate academic offices for guidance, tutoring or other services as required. A student on Academic Warning is required to meet with his/her assigned academic advisor. This policy does not supersede the Academic Suspension policy.

Academic Probation

The status of Academic Probation is automatically applied to a student when the cumulative grade point average, based upon coursework taken at Fairmont State, falls below 2.0.

The status of Academic Probation will be removed only after the cumulative grade point average, based upon coursework taken at Fairmont State, is 2.0 or higher.

A student who is placed on Academic Probation may continue to enroll on a full-time basis, but will be limited to 15 semester hours.

Academic Suspension

The academic record of each student on probation will be reviewed at the end of each regular (fall and spring) semester with regard to Academic Suspension. The following guidelines will be used in the review:

  • Academic Suspension occurs when a student’s cumulative grade point average, based upon coursework taken at Fairmont State, falls below the minimum required GPA, determined as follows in relation to overall institutional and transfer hours attempted:

*Attempted hours at Fairmont State plus transfer credits

 Credit Hours* FAIRMONT STATE Courses Only

 GPA (Excluding Transfers)

16-29          1.45

30-59          1.75

60+             2.00

  • The suspension list will be compiled at the end of the fall and spring semesters.

  • A student will be placed on probation for one (1) semester before he/she is subject to Academic Suspension (see Academic Probation above).

  • A student can be placed on suspension if he/she has been on probation in any previous semester.

  • No student with a current semester GPA of 2.0 or higher will be subject to Academic Suspension.

  • A student who is academically suspended will not be permitted to enroll in coursework at Fairmont State for the period of suspension as defined below:

First Suspension: Student will not be permitted to enroll in coursework at Fairmont State for one (1) full semester plus the summer terms. This means that a student suspended at the end of the fall semester cannot enroll again until the next fall semester. A student suspended at the end of the spring semester cannot enroll again until the next spring semester.

Second Suspension: Student will not be permitted to enroll in coursework at Fairmont State for one (1) full year. A full fall and full spring semester plus the summer terms constitute the required suspension period.

Third Suspension: For a third and any subsequent suspension, a student will not be permitted to enroll in coursework at Fairmont State for four (4) full years. Upon readmission, after the full four (4) year suspension, the student may be eligible for academic forgiveness. Whether academic forgiveness will apply will be determined by the Academic Forgiveness Policy in effect at the time of readmission.

  • A student who has been academically suspended for the first or second time is automatically eligible for readmission after the period of suspension is over, but must reapply through the Office of Admissions to have his/her Academic Suspension hold removed.

  • A student who has been academically suspended for the third time may apply for readmission after the period of suspension is over, but readmission is not automatic. The student’s record will be reviewed to determine if it is academically possible for the student to attain Satisfactory Academic Standing and complete his/her degree program within a reasonable amount of time. A determination of eligibility for academic forgiveness will also be made before readmission is granted. If a student is determined to be eligible for academic forgiveness, the student must apply for academic forgiveness at the appropriate time (Please see “Academic Forgiveness Policy”).

  • Fairmont State will not accept credit for courses taken at any institution while a student is suspended.

  • Fairmont State reserves the right to deny admission if a student has been academically suspended from any institution(s) three (3) or more times.


Academic Suspension Appeal

Appeals of suspension are for addressing unusual and extenuating circumstances that prevented a student from raising their GPA to the required level. A student placed on academic suspension may appeal the decision to the Assistant Vice President for Educational and Career Success by completing an online Academic Suspension Appeal application found in the student forms repository.

The online application has four requirements:

  1. Student Information: Complete contact and academic program information.
  2. Explanation of Circumstances: Complete questions explaining (a) the extenuating circumstances that led to you grade point average deficiency, (b) the actions taken to improve circumstances, and (c) what it will take to return to good academic standing.
  3. Supporting documentation: Provide third-party documentation supporting your explanation of your prior poor academic performance. This could include a letter from a professor, medical professional, counselor, tutoring records, or any official documents that can verify your circumstances. Third-party documentation cannot come from family members.
  4. Send completed appeal application and supporting documentation to academicappeals@fairmontstate.edu

Notices of the appeal deadline will be provided in the student’s suspension letter. Late appeals will not be accepted.

The decision of the Assistant Vice President for Educational and Career Success Amay be appealed to the Admissions and Credits Committee. The written appeal and all supporting documentation must be forwarded to the Chairperson of the Admissions and Credits Committee for review and evaluation. The Chair of the Committee will schedule a Committee meeting as soon as possible to hear the case, and the Committee shall render a decision.

For additional information concerning the appeals process, contact the Provost Office at 304-367-4101 or AcademicAffairs@fairmontstate.edu