Oct 15, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Financial Information

Payment of Tuition and Fees

Registration is not completed until payment of tuition, residence hall, board and fees has been made. A late payment charge of $50 will be assessed on the second day of the term; a $15 charge will be assessed on each check returned by bank for “insufficient funds”. Enrollment Services shall declare the fees unpaid and registration canceled until the check has been redeemed and the additional charge paid. 

Students attending Fairmont State are offered an alternative to payment in full at the time of registration. This payment plan is known as the Financial Installment Plan Service, or FIPS. This allows students to pay their balance in six monthly payments. The first payment is due on the 10th of the month prior to the start of the semester. There may be a $15.00 enrollment fee assessed when signing up for FIPS. If payment is not received before the due date each month, a $25 late fee may be added to the account. Fees can be paid with Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover Card. Students receiving financial aid must apply 100 percent of their aid prior to FIPS payments.

All outstanding amounts resulting from nonpayment of tuition and fees are the responsibility of the student. Withdrawal from school, officially or unofficially, will not cancel any financial obligation already incurred. Additionally, failure to pay all financial obligations may result in debts being turned over to a collection agency.

NOTE: The term “resident” refers to classification for fee purposes only. See end of this section for resident classifications.

Billing information, reminders and important notices are sent to each student’s institutional e-mail address. Paper bills are not sent to the student’s address.

Tuition and Fees

All tuition and fees are subject to change. Please see our homepage for the most current tuition and fee information. From the main home page under Quick Links, select Student Services/ Enrollment Center, next select Student Accounts, then Tuition and Fees to locate this information.


Refund Policy

After the schedule adjustment period ends (add/drop week), a student must completely withdraw from all registered courses in order to receive any refund of tuition and fees. Fairmont State University will not refund tuition and fees for individual classes dropped after the end of the schedule adjustment period (add/drop week). Please refer to the Registrar’s Calendar for specific dates.


Information on housing can be found here.

Dining and Meal Plans


All residents of Morrow Hall, Prichard Hall, Pence Hall, Bryant Place, and University Terrace Semi-Suites are required to purchase a meal plan for use in the Falcon Center cafeteria and restaurants, as well as University Terrace Marketplace. Campus Dining Services offers several meal plans.

For a listing of available dining locations, menus, and Meal Plans, please visit here

Financial Aid

Financial aid in the form of scholarships, grants, loans, and employment is available to students who need assistance in meeting their higher education expenses and who meet program criteria. All funds are administered by the Financial Aid Services in compliance with federal, state, and institutional guidelines. To receive information about financial aid, contact the Office of Financial Aid located at Turley Student Service Center at (304) 367-4141 or visit our website at https://www.fairmontstate.edu/finaid/

Need-Based Aid

Fairmont State’s primary purpose in awarding financial aid is to assist those students who wish to attend college and need financial assistance to do so. Financial need is defined as the difference between the “cost of attendance” and “estimated family contribution”. Cost of attendance (COA) is a comprehensive figure including estimated tuition/fees, room/board, books/supplies and other educationally related expenses. Estimated family contribution (EFC) is a measurement of the family’s financial strength and is based upon information provided in the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). By using the available resources, Fairmont State attempts to meet the financial need of all students.

Scholarship Aid

It is the intent of Fairmont State to foster the highest degree of scholarship among its students. The institution actively recruits students who have excellent academic records and recognize and reward those who continue to excel.

The objective of the scholarship program is to promote the recruitment and retention of a diverse student body with special talents and abilities. A variety of merit and need-based scholarships have been developed to accomplish this objective. Fairmont State is ultimately responsible for final approval of scholarship programs and related policies and procedures and elicits recommendations from academic departments in that process. The Fairmont State Foundation, Inc., through the auspices of the Fairmont State Foundation’s Scholarship Committee, collaborates with the Financial Aid Services to explore new areas of scholarship development and expansion, and assist those interested in establishing new merit-based scholarships or enhancing currently established scholarship programs for Fairmont State.

Fairmont State’s Office of Financial Aid Services also manages the disbursement of scholarships for a wide range of externally funded programs received by Fairmont State students.

Sources of Financial Aid

All sources and types of financial aid offered by Fairmont State as well as other non-Fairmont State aid resources are available on the homepage at www.fairmontstate.edu/finaid/.

Definition of an Academic Year

The academic year is considered to begin with fall semester, continues with spring semester and concludes with summer.

Procedures for Obtaining Financial Aid

  1. Students must be admitted to Fairmont State as a regular degree seeking student.

  2. For full consideration of need-based aid, students must submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to the federal processing center by March 1. Students who miss that recommended filing date can submit after that time but funds may be limited. The FAFSA must be submitted annually.

  3. For scholarships awarded through Fairmont State’s Financial Aid Services Office, students must apply for admission to Fairmont State by February 2. For scholarships awarded through Fairmont State’s Schools and Departments, refer to the website for application requirements, deadline dates, and additional information.

Satisfactory Academic Progress for Federal Financial Aid

To receive funds administered by the Financial Aid Services Office, students must be making satisfactory academic progress (SAP) toward completion of an eligible degree or certificate. Federal regulations require evaluation of both quantitative and qualitative academic progress.

For purposes of financial aid and eligibility, academic progress is reviewed at the end of each academic year. This review will occur at the conclusion of the spring semester.

All students enrolling for the first time (including transfers) will be considered to be making satisfactory academic progress.

The standards of Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress are:

Qualitative Progress - Undergraduate

Required Cumulative Grade Point Average:

01-29 total attempted credit hours……………………..1.5

30-59 total attempted credit hours……………………..1.8

60-above total attempted credit hours………………..2.0

Qualitative Progress - Graduate

Required to meet a Cumulative GPA of 3.00

Quantitative Progress

Pace of Progress and Maximum Time Frame

  1. Pace: Pace is defined as the rate at which attempted academic credits are successfully completed. This is calculated by taking the cumulative number of hours successfully completed and dividing by the cumulative number of hours attempted. (Note: Grades of “W”, “F” and “I” count as attempted hours. All transfer hours accepted by the institution are included.)

      Students must successfully complete 67% of all hours attempted. The calculation will be rounded to the closest whole number and applies to the graduate programs as well.

  2. Maximum Time Frame: A student must complete his/her program of study within 150% of the number of hours required for the degree objective. Repeated course work and transfer hours accepted by the institution are included. The 
      maximum time for each level is listed below.

  • Associate program of 60 hours–90 attempted hours.

  • Baccalaureate program of 120 hours–180 attempted hours.

  • Post-graduate work (credits taken after first obtaining degree including pursuit of second associate degree, second bachelor degree and/or teacher certification) must be completed within 60 credit hours.

Since all classes attempted will count toward the 60- hour limit, students should meet with their academic advisor to determine what classes are required for completion of the second degree.

A student who completes the academic requirements for a program but does not yet have the degree or certificate conferred is no longer eligible for federal financial aid for that program.

Financial aid eligibility is limited to no more than two associate degrees, two baccalaureate degrees, and two master’s degrees (based upon status in student information system, BANNER). Students who wish to pursue additional degrees beyond these may do so, but without federal financial assistance.

Failure to Meet Standards of Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress

Students who fail to meet the qualitative or quantitative standards defined above at the end of the spring semester will be “suspended” from further financial aid eligibility, effective with the next enrollment period. If the student can meet the qualitative and quantitative standards as defined anytime during the next academic year, aid can be reinstated by making a request to Financial Aid Services for a review of their academic standing.

Students will be notified by postal mail and email of SAP status after grades are posted. SAP status can be viewed on the student’s FELiX account.

Appeals Process

A student may appeal the loss of financial aid through the Financial Aid Services Office. To appeal, the student must have experienced extenuating circumstances beyond their control which impacted academic progress. Examples of extenuating circumstances are death of an immediate family member, injury, illness, or other unusual circumstances presented to the Financial Aid Services Office. The appeal must include the following:

  1. Why the student failed to make Satisfactory Academic Progress.

  2. What has now changed that will allow the student to make satisfactory academic progress at the end of the next semester (statements of good intention are not sufficient).

  3. Documentation to verify the extenuating circumstances.

If the appeal is granted, the student will be placed on financial aid probation or contract for one semester and may receive aid during this semester. At the end of the semester, the student must
meet (a) the defined SAP standards, or (b) the terms of the contract.
Appeals must be submitted by the deadline date established for each semester, generally 2 weeks prior to the start of the semester. Deadline dates will be published on the SAP website.
Late appeals will not be accepted. Students who wish to enroll after the deadline should make plans to pay all charges through personal means.
Appeals will be reviewed by the following and in the following order:
  • Financial Aid Appeals Committee

  • Executive Director of Student Support Services

  • Faculty Senate Financial Aid Appeals Committee. This committee will meet one time during the week prior to the start of the Fall and Spring Semesters. Denial of an appeal by the Financial Aid Director for the Summer Semester is final.

Students are limited to one appeal per level of review and one appeal per semester.

Financial Aid eligibility can be re-established once the student meets SAP standards.

Students who have lost eligibility for financial aid but have not been academically suspended from Fairmont State may continue to enroll in courses. Students are responsible for all institutional charges, such as: tuition, fees, room/board, and books. Once the student meets the standards of financial aid satisfactory academic progress, the student may again receive consideration for financial aid.

Academic Forgiveness and Financial Aid

Candidates for academic forgiveness may receive financial assistance during the readmission semester if under financial aid probation or an academic plan. If the student does not meet the defined financial aid standards of SAP or the academic plan that was developed for the appeal at the time of review, the student’s financial aid will be suspended as dictated by the SAP policy.

Repeating Courses

Students who repeat a previously passed class may have limitations on financial aid eligibility for that class.

Nonstandard Courses

Federal student aid cannot be awarded for courses that are not applicable to degree objective. Examples include non-credit courses, audited courses, and English-as-Second Language (ESL) courses that are not part of an ESL program.

Title IV Financial Aid Return of Aid Policy

If a student withdraws from school whether officially (he/she completes the withdrawal form or drops all classes on the web) or unofficially (student stops attending classes) and has been awarded and/or paid Title IV Federal Aid, the student is subject to a Return of Title IV Aid calculation. This calculation determines how much aid must be returned to the federal programs in the event of a complete official or unofficial withdrawal prior to completing 60% of the term (see example below).

The calculation determines the amount of federal aid that is considered to be earned and the amount that is considered to be unearned, and therefore must be returned to the Federal programs. State and/or institutional aid may also be subject to return based on the withdrawal date. The earned/unearned amounts are calculated based on the percent of the term completed. The length of the term is defined as the first day of all classes through the last day of all classes (not including a break of 5 days or more).

Students who withdraw and who have been awarded aid that has not disbursed will also be reviewed to determine if they are eligible for a post-withdrawal disbursement. Withdrawn students who have been selected for verification but have not provided the documents necessary for disbursement may be eligible for a post-withdrawal disbursement. Their account will be reviewed and they will be offered a post-withdrawal disbursement, if eligible, and given 30 days to return the requested documentation. Students will only be eligible for the percentage of “earned” aid at the time of withdrawal.

A student may also be subject to a Return of Title IV Aid calculation if they are enrolled for the entire term and only complete one or more classes that end in the first eight (8) weeks part of term.

Withdrawal Example

This example shows what happened when a student withdrew completely on the 21st day of a 108-day semester (70% Tuition refund period). The first table shows how the Return of Title IV calculation applies to this specific student’s situation. Please note that this is only an example; your specific situation may differ. If you are considering withdrawing, we strongly encourage you to consult with your academic advisor and a financial aid counselor prior to taking any official action.

Example of Return of Title IV Calculation

Federal Direct Subsidized Loan                    $1750

Federal Pell Grant                                         $2675

Federal SEIG Grant                                      $2000

  1. Divide number of days attended by number of days in term
    Calculation: 21 days / 108 days =
    Result: Percentage of term completed 19%
    Greater than 60% - All aid is earned; no further steps
    Less than 60% - Use percent of term completed
  2. Subtract percentage completed from 100
    Calculation: 100 - 19 =
    Result: Percent of term not completed 81%
  3. Multiply total federal aid by percent of term not completed
    Calculation: 6425 x .81 =
    Result: Amount of aid that is unearned $5204.25
  4. Multiply total allowable institutional charges by 81% to get amount of unearned aid to be returned by Fairmont State
    Calculation: Total fees = 2900 x .81 =
    Result: Amount of unearned aid to be returned by University $2349
    University returns: $1750 Direct Subsidized Loan; $599 Pell Grant
  5. Subtract unearned aid to be returned by Fairmont State from total unearned aid
    Calculation: 5204 - 2349 =
    Result: Amount of unearned aid to be returned by student $2855
    Student returns: $2076 Pell Grant and $779 SEOG
    (All that is left to repay is the amount the University had to repay.

The following rules apply to the order in which federal aid is returned to the programs:

  • Order of repayment to programs is as follows:
  1. Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans
  2. Federal Direct Subsidized Loans

  3. Federal Direct PLUS (Graduate Loans)

  4. Federal Direct Plus (Parent Loan)

  5. Federal Pell

  6. Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)

  • The University returns its portion first; then the student’s portion is returned

  • Any loan amounts unearned from the student’s share are not required to be repaid immediately (will be repaid in the normal repayment process)

  • For grants, only the portion of unearned grants due from the student that exceeds 50% of the total federal grants received for that payment period is required to be returned

Please keep in mind this repayment policy is applied before the institution’s refund policy. The school’s refund policy may reduce the amount owed to the school by the student for aid returned. It is important to note that a student who withdraws from school could owe federal financial aid as well as repayment to West Virginia Higher Education Grant Program, PROMISE Scholarship Program and other scholarships and awards.

Veterans’ Policies

The following policies and procedures will be observed by Fairmont State for the purpose of determining satisfactory progress for all students receiving veterans’ benefits. The Veterans Administration will be notified of any veteran who is not maintaining satisfactory progress. This does not replace the Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy and if applicable, a student may be subject to both policies if receiving federal financial aid and veterans educational benefits.

Any veteran students using U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Post 9/11 G.I. Bill (Ch. 33) or Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Ch. 31) benefits, while payment to the institution is pending from the VA, we will not: Prevent their enrollment; assess a late penalty fee to; require they secure alternative or additional funding; deny their access to any resources (access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities) available to other students who have satisfied their tuition and fee bills to the institution.


Veterans and dependents receive priority registration privileges. Please see the Registrar’s calendar for priority registration dates each semester

Class Attendance

If a student receiving veterans” benefits withdraws from the University or an individual class and the Veterans Certifying Official has no prior notice of irregular class attendance, the official withdrawal date on the withdrawal form completed in the Registrar’s Office will be assumed as the last date of class attendance.

The Veterans’ Certifying Official runs a report to identify these students and notifies the Veterans Administration.

Final Grade for All Courses Attempted

The final grade policy for all attempted courses applies to all students at Fairmont State, including those receiving veterans’ benefits.


The Veterans Administration will be notified immediately at the end of the semester if a student receiving veterans’ benefits is suspended. The Office of the Registrar of Fairmont State supplies the Veterans Certifying Official with a list of students suspended. This list will serve as the basis for notification to the Veterans Administration.


As indicated above, students receiving veterans’ benefits are subject to all institutional policies of grading, attendance, and withdrawal. It is the responsibility of the Veterans Certifying Official to administer the procedures listed above and to notify the Veterans Administration, in every instance, indicating lack of satisfactory progress by the student receiving veterans’ benefits. There are no separate policies of attendance, withdrawal, or grade average calculation for students receiving veterans’ benefits. Evidence of unsatisfactory progress during a semester may result in loss of benefits back to the point at which satisfactory progress ceased (i.e., irregular withdrawal from class). It is the veteran’s responsibility to immediately notify the Veterans Certifying Official of any changes in their enrollment status. If a change in enrollment status reduces the amount of veteran’s benefits, the VA may request restitution from the student or the school. If requested, the school will return that portion of Veterans Assistance received. Student will then be billed for the balance. Collection of that balance will follow normal procedures.

Military Deployment Procedures

If you are called to active duty in the military while enrolled at Fairmont State, you will be designated as being on a “Military Leave of Absence.” The following policies and procedures are designed to make your transition from active duty and your return as convenient as possible. Please read the information below and review your choice of options. If you receive any form of financial assistance, it is imperative that you meet with the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office, Veterans Services, and Enrollment Services. You must provide Enrollment Services with a copy of your deployment papers no matter what option you select.

Option 1

When called to active duty during an academic semester, you may withdraw completely from the semester and receive a full tuition refund. You will also receive a prorated refund for campus housing, meal plan, and parking. After consultation with the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office, Veterans Services, and Enrollment Services, your transcript for the semester may show enrolled with “W”s or you may be completely deleted from that semester. If you choose to have all of your classes deleted, all financial aid received for the semester must be returned to the federal, state, and/or institutional Programs from which it was awarded.

This in turn may leave a balance due the school if you have already received a refund check. This balance will be pursued through normal collection procedures.

Option 2

You may contact your individual instructors to determine if you have completed enough work for the semester to receive an incomplete or a final grade for the course. The decision rests solely with each faculty member. You should have completed at least threefourths of the semester before a faculty can awards a final grade for a course. If you wish to pursue this option, you will need to contact Veterans Services. Veterans Services will discuss the procedure with you and provide a form for faculty members to sign. Each faculty member must sign the form to indicate that they will give you an incomplete or final grade for the course.

Upon return from active duty, you will have one year to make up your incomplete/s. At the end of the oneyear period, the instructor must submit a final grade. If no change is made by the instructor, the grade “I” will be changed to an “F.”

You may also officially withdraw from specific courses that you do not wish to complete. You will receive a prorated refund based upon the number of credit hours you retain. Upon consultation with the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships, Veterans Services, and Enrollment Services, your transcript for the semester may show “W”s for courses in which you officially withdraw or you may be completely deleted from those courses. If you choose to have some of your classes deleted, all financial aid received for the semester for those classes must be returned to the Federal, State, and/or Institutional Programs it was awarded from.

This in turn may leave a balance due the school if you have already received a refund check. This balance will be pursued through normal collection procedures.

Residential Classification


Residency Classification is guided by Title 133 procedural rule Series 25 as established by WV Higher Education Policy Commission and authorized by WV Code 18 B-10 and 18 B - 2B - 6.

Students enrolling in a West Virginia public institution of higher education shall be classified as resident or nonresident at the time of admission for tuition and fee purposes.

If there is a question regarding residency classification, the matter must be brought to the attention of the office of the University Registrar and acted upon at least two weeks prior to registration and subsequent to payment of tuition and fees. Students found to have made false or misleading statements concerning their residence shall be subject to disciplinary action and will be charged the nonresident fees for each session therefore attended.

Resident Determined by Domicile

Domicile within the State means adoption of the State as a fixed permanent home and involves personal presence within the State with no intent on the part of the person to return to another state or country. West Virginia domicile may be established upon the completion of at least 12 months of continued residence within the State prior to the date of registration, provided that such residence is not primarily for the purpose of attendance at any institution of learning in West Virginia.

Establishment of West Virginia domicile with less than 12 months” residence prior to the date of registration must be supported by proof of positive and unequivocal action, including but not limited to the purchase of a West Virginia home, full-time employment within the state, paying West Virginia property tax, filing West Virginia income tax returns, registering to vote in West Virginia and the actual exercise of such right, registering of motor vehicles in West Virginia, and/or possessing a valid West Virginia driver’s license. Additional items of lesser importance include transferring or establishing local church membership, involvement in local community activities, affiliation with local social, civic, fraternal or service organizations, and various other acts which may give evidence of intent to remain indefinitely within the State. Proof of a number of these actions shall be considered only as evidence which may be used in determining whether or not a domicile has been established.


Minors are defined by the West Virginia Code 2-2-10 as persons under 18 years of age. The residence of minors shall follow that of the parents at all times, except in extremely rare cases where emancipation can be proved beyond question. The residence of the father, or the residence of the mother if the father is deceased, is the residence of unmarried and un-emancipated minors. If the father and the mother have separate places of residence, minors take the residence of the parent with whom they live or to whom they have been assigned by court order. The parents of minors will be considered residents of West Virginia if their domicile is within the State.

Minor students who are properly admitted to an institution as resident students shall retain that classification as long as they enroll each successive semester.

Emancipated Minors

Emancipated minors may be considered as adults in determining residence, provided satisfactory evidence is presented that neither of their parents, if living, contributes to their support nor claims them as dependents for federal or State income tax purposes. Emancipated minors assume all of the responsibilities of adults to establish residence for tuition and fee purposes. Proof must be provided that emancipation was not achieved principally for the purpose of establishing residence for attendance at an institution of higher education.

Students Eighteen Years of Age or Over

Students 18 years of age or over may be classified as residents if (1) the parents were domiciled in the State at the time the students reached majority and such students have not acquired a domicile in another state, or (2) while adults, students have established a bona fide domicile in the State of West Virginia. Bona fide domicile in West Virginia, means that students must not be in the State primarily to attend an educational institution and they must be in the State for purposes other than to attempt to qualify for resident status.

Nonresident students who reach the age of 18 years while students at any educational institution in West Virginia do not by virtue of such fact alone attain residence in this state for admission or tuition and fee payment purposes.

Students who are properly classified as residents at the time they reach the age of 18 shall continue to be classified as residents as long as they enroll each successive semester and do not establish a domicile, or legal residence, in another state.

State Residents 65 Years of Age or Older

Residents of West Virginia who are at least 65 years of age may attend class for credit or no credit if space is available. Eligibility will be determined based on appropriate documents reflecting age and residency. Participants will be admitted according to the process for “Non-Degree Seeking” outlined in the admissions policies. Students may register anytime during or after the preregistration period designated for “All Other Students” and through the Regular and Late Registration periods. Appropriate dates and times will be published in the Schedule of Classes for each term. Participants may register for either on or off-campus courses.

Eligible participants may elect one of two options for enrollment. Participants must identify themselves and choose an option at the time of registration.

No Credit Option: Eligible participants will be assessed fifty dollars ($50) per course plus applicable fees (i.e. technology, laboratory, parking permits) when appropriate.

Credit Option: Participants electing to earn college credit will be granted a waiver of fifty percent (50%) of the normal tuition and fees for courses. Technology, laboratory, parking and other special fees will be charged at the regular student rate.


An individual who is on full-time active military service in another state or a foreign country or an employee of the federal government shall, be classified as an in-state student for the purpose of payment of tuition and fees: PROVIDED, that the person established a domicile in West Virginia prior to entrance into federal service, entered the federal service from West Virginia, and has at no time while in federal service claimed or established domicile in another state. Sworn statements attesting to these conditions may be required. The spouse and dependent children of such individuals shall also be classified as in-state students for tuition and fee purposes.

Persons assigned to full-time active military service in West Virginia and residing in the state shall be classified as in-state students for tuition and fee purposes. The spouse and dependent children of such individuals shall also be classified as in-state students for tuition and fee purposes.

In accordance with Section 702 of the Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act, Fairmont State offers instate tuition and fees to all Veterans and Family members covered under this Act.


Aliens in the United States on a resident visa, or those who have filed a petition for naturalization in the naturalization court and who have established a bona fide domicile in West Virginia, may be eligible for resident classification provided they are in the State for purposes other than to attempt to qualify for residency status as students.

Former Domicile

A person who was formerly domiciled in the State of West Virginia and who would have been eligible for an instate residency classification at the time of his/her departure from the state may be immediately eligible for classification as a West Virginia resident, provided such person returns to West Virginia within a one-year period of time and satisfies the conditions of Section Two regarding proof of domicile and intent to remain permanently in West Virginia.

Appeal of Residency Classification

Adult students who have been classified as out-of-state residents and who seek resident status in West Virginia must prove conclusively that they have established domicile in West Virginia with the intention of making their permanent home in this state. The intent to remain indefinitely in West Virginia is evidenced not only by persons” statements but also by their actions. The designated institutional officer shall consider actions including but not limited to those described above in Section Two, “Residence Determined by Domicile.” Proof of a number of these actions shall be considered only as evidence which may be used in determining whether or not a domicile has been established. Factors militating against a change in residence classification may include such considerations as the fact that students are not self-supporting, that they are carried as dependents on their parents” federal or state income tax returns or their parents” health insurance policy, or that they customarily do not remain in the State when school is not in session.

The decisions of the Registrar may be appealed to the President of the institution. The President may establish such committees and procedures as determined necessary for the processing of appeals.