Oct 15, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Academic Affair Policies




Academic Advising System

Academic Advising System

Students are assigned academic advisors when they first enroll at Fairmont State. Those students who are not ready to select a major upon entrance will be assigned to the Office of Exploratory Advising. Students wanting to change their major fields of study may obtain a Major/Minor/Concentration Update Form from Enrollment Services. That form needs a signature from an advisor in the new major. Students should discuss problems relating to degree requirements, registration, and withdrawals from class or college with their advisors.

Office of Exploratory Advising

236 Hardway Hall
(304) 367-4709

The purpose of the Office of Exploratory Advising is to provide Undecided students, Pre-Nursing students, and undergraduate Non-Degree Seeking students with interpersonal professional support. A concerted effort is made to address any academic concerns that may impede the student’s successful completion of degree requirements and to assist the student in the selection of an academic program.



Academic Regulations

The Student Handbook contains information concerning student rights and responsibilities, attendance, absences, and matters of academic dishonesty. Students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with these policies.  


Assessment of Student Academic Achievement

Assessment of Student Academic Achievement

Fairmont State employs a variety of assessment processes to inform students of progress in courses and clinical experience and toward degrees, to analyze programs in order to make appropriate curricular changes, and to determine institutional effectiveness. The university follows policies of the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, the WV Higher Education Policy Commission, policies of specific academic and professional accrediting bodies, and its own governing board.

In addition to regular course examinations and presentations, assessments used include field tests of proficiency in the major; electronic portfolios; capstone projects; internships; clinical practice reviews; and juried performances. Some programs, such as nursing and teacher education, also require nationally normed entrance and exit examinations. All degree programs analyze and review their effectiveness every five years, reporting this information to the WVHEPC and the Fairmont State Board of Governors. Programs also engage in an annual review process to assess the effectiveness of academic programs and learning experiences. The institution reports its overall progress to the HLC every ten years.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Students who wish to obtain credit by examination should check with the Center for Workforce Education for test availability by calling (304) 367-4920 or (304) 367-7254.

Placement Testing

In order for you and your advisors to create a schedule that best meets your academic abilities and prepares you for the academic requirements of your program, you may be required to take certain assessments in math and/or English. Your test results may require that you enroll in one or more corequisite courses. Completing these required courses in your first semester(s) will help to ensure your greatest chance of success in college. All assessments are free of charge. For information regarding placement testing, please contact the Tutoring Center.

Core Academic Skills for Educators Test (CORE)

Students must earn passing scores on all three sections (reading, mathematics, and writing) in order to be admitted to Teacher Education. Other requirements exist for admission to Teacher Education. Applicants must register for a test administration date online at: www.ets.org/praxis. Information is available in the Teacher Certication Office at 345 Education Building. You can also contact Joyce Rose.

PRAXIS II Specialty Area Exams and Principles of Learning and Teaching (PLT) Tests

Students graduating with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Education are required to take these tests and to achieve the minimum acceptable score for each teaching specialization and developmental level in order to be recommended for licensure. Students normally should take the Specialty Area Exams during the semester prior to their student teaching semester. The PLT exam should be taken during the final semester of their senior year. Applicants must register for a test administration date online at: www.ets.org/praxis. Information is available in the Teacher Certification Office at 340 Education Building or by contacting Joyce Rose.

Grade Appeal Policy and Procedures

Primary Responsible Officer: Associate Provost of Academic Affairs

Date of Current Revision: September 2024

Form: Link to Student Appeal Template

Grade Policy

It is the policy of Fairmont State University that students are responsible for fulfilling prescribed

course objectives, completing stated course assignments, and adhering to stated academic

standards for each course in which they are enrolled. Students’ grades will be based solely on

performance measured by academic-related standards as outlined in the course syllabus and grading criteria. Students will not be penalized for taking reasoned exception to views expressed in the academic forum.

II. Scope

The grade appeal process applies to all undergraduate and graduate students at Fairmont State University. The appeal procedures offer a structured process for students who believe their final grade was assigned inappropriately due to mechanical error, inconsistent grading, or discriminatory practices. They outline the responsibilities of both students and faculty to facilitate an equitable and timely resolution of grade disputes.


III. Definitions

Appeals Committee: A committee of the Faculty Senate tasked with reviewing academic appeals and making recommendations to the Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs or designee.

Day: Any official day the university is open for business, excluding weekends, holidays, and university closures.

Formal Appeal: A documented request submitted by the student seeking a review of a final grade.

Informal Resolution: An initial meeting between the student and instructor aimed at addressing the grade concern before starting the formal appeal process.

IV. Grounds for Appeal

A student may appeal a final grade if they can demonstrate evidence supports one of the following reasons:

  • Mechanical Error: Mistakes in calculation, recording, or reporting of the final grade.
  • Inconsistent Grading Practices: The student believes they were not graded according to the same standards applied to other students in the course.
  • Prejudiced Academic Evaluation: Grading was influenced by bias or discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, or disability.
  • Arbitrary or Capricious Grading: The grade was assigned in a manner inconsistent with the criteria outlined in the syllabus or applied without clear rationale.

Not Valid Grounds for Appeal:

  • Dissatisfaction with course requirements established by instructor.
  • Dissatisfaction with grading standards established by instructor.
  • Desire or need to obtain a particular grade.
  • Potential consequences of receiving the earned grade.

V. Timeline for Appeals

Step 1: Informal Resolution - Contact Instructor: Within 10 days after the final grade is posted.

Step 2: Department Chair Appeal: Within 10 days following the instructor’s decision.

Step 3: College Dean Appeal: Within 10 days of the Department Chair’s decision.

Step 4: Appeals Committee: Within 10 days of the Dean’s decision.

Note: Failure to meet any deadlines will result in the appeal being void.

VI. Appeal Procedures

Step 1: Contact the Instructor for Informal Resolution
  • The student must contact the instructor within 10 days after the final grade is posted to discuss the grade on an informal basis. The meeting should address misunderstandings or errors, and both the student and the instructor must document the interaction (e.g., meeting date, key points discussed, and outcome).
  • If no resolution is reached, the student may proceed to a formal appeal. A brief record of this informal meeting should be submitted with the formal appeal.
Step 2: Formal Appeal to the Department Chair
  • The student must notify the Department Chair in writing of their intent to appeal within 10 days of the instructor’s decision. If the instructor is also the Chair, the appeal should go to the College Dean.
  • The written appeal must include:
    • Course information (course number, title, instructor, final grade).
    • Grade the student believes they earned in the course.
    • Specific reasons for the appeal (e.g., mechanical error, prejudice).
    • Supporting evidence (e.g., syllabus, exam scores, screenshots, emails).
  • The Chair will review the case and may schedule a meeting within 10 days of receiving the appeal. The decision will be communicated in writing to the student, instructor, and College Dean, including the rationale for the decision and further appeal instructions and deadlines if necessary.
Step 3: Appeal to the College Dean
  • If the student or instructor is dissatisfied with the Chair’s decision, they may appeal to the Dean within 10 days of the Chair’s decision.
  • The Dean reviews the file and may schedule a meeting with involved parties before issuing decision. The Dean’s decision will be communicated in writing, with a rationale for the decision, and include further appeal instructions and deadlines if necessary.
Step 4: Appeal to the University Appeals Committee
  • With supporting evidence, the student and/or instructor may appeal the Dean’s decision to the Chair of the University Appeals Committee within 10 days of the Dean’s decision. This request must be made through the Office of the Associate Provost at AcademicAffairs@fairmontstate.edu
  • The Appeals Committee will review the case, schedule a hearing with all involved parties, and render a decision. A written recommendation will be submitted to the Provost and VP of Academic Affairs or designee within 5 days of the hearing. The recommendation must be supported by the Committee majority.
Appeal Extension Requests:

If a student or instructor is unable to meet the 10-day deadline due to extenuating circumstances (e.g., illness, personal emergency), they may submit a written request for an extension to the relevant party overseeing the current step (e.g., Department Chair, Dean). Extension requests must be submitted before the original deadline has passed.

VII. Roles and Responsibilities

Instructor: Provides clarity on grading standards and addresses initial grade concerns with the student.

Department Chair: Reviews the student’s formal appeal, facilitates resolution, and communicates their decision.

College Dean: Reviews the appeal following the Chair’s decision, may meet with involved parties, and issues a decision.

Appeals Committee: Conducts the final review and recommendation to the Provost and VP of Academic Affairs if the Dean’s decision is appealed.

Provost and VP of Academic Affairs: Renders the final decision based on the Committee’s recommendation.

Student Support: Students have the right to seek support from an academic advisor, or another university-provided resource at any stage of the appeal process. Contact information for these resources can be found in the appendix of this policy.

VIII. Decision Finality

The final decision by the Provost and VP of Academic Affairs or designee will be communicated to all involved parties. This decision is final and binding, and no further appeal is available within the university.

IX. Confidentiality and Record-Keeping

All appeal proceedings and documents are confidential and will be shared only with involved parties. The Office of the Associate Provost will retain records of appeals for at least five years.

X. Contact Information

For questions about the appeal process, to seek guidance, or for support resources, students may contact the Provost Office at 304-367-4101 or AcademicAffairs@fairmontstate.edu

Email Account Policy

The Fairmont State e-mail address assigned to a student will serve as the official email address used by the institution for all correspondence including invoices, financial aid notifications, and information from the Student Services Center. Students are responsible for all information sent from these and other official offices of the institution. Failure to read e-mail messages will not constitute an exception. The Admissions Office will send an official admission letter informing students of their email account and Unified College Account (UCA) and how to activate the UCA. The Admissions Office will also notify students of our institution’s policies regarding the use of Fairmont State email for all major institutional correspondence. No other email addresses will be included when emails are sent. Other email addresses may be provided by completing the Email Billing Form in the Office of Student Services. Invoices will be sent to those addresses in addition to the student.


Academic Dishonesty

All students and faculty members are urged to share in the responsibility for removing every situation which might permit or encourage academic dishonesty. Cheating in any form, including plagiarism, must be considered a matter of the gravest concern. Cheating is defined here as the obtaining of information during an examination; the unauthorized use of books, notes, or other sources of information prior to or during an examination; the removal of faculty examination materials; the alteration of documents or records; or actions identifiable as occurring with the intent to defraud or use under false pretense.

Plagiarism is defined here as the submission of the ideas, words (written or oral), or artistic productions of another, falsely represented as one’s original effort or without giving due credit.

For the application of the Academic Dishonesty Policy go to: http://www.fairmontstate.edu/publications/CampusHandbooks/studenthandbook/default.asp



Student Classification

Students are classified according to the number of credit hours earned as follows:

Freshman…………..0-29 credit hours
Sophomore………. 30-59 credit hours
Junior………………..60-89 credit hours



Presidents and Deans List

Presidents List: Students who register and receive letter grades for 12 or more hours taken at Fairmont State (excluding credit or audit marks), in any given term, and attain a grade point average of 4.0 join a select group of individuals and are named to the President’s List.

Deans List: Students who register and receive letter grades for 12 or more hours taken at Fairmont State (excluding credit or audit marks), in any given term, and receive a grade point average of 3.4 or better are considered honor students and are named to the Dean’s List.