Feb 09, 2025  
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog 
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Special Examinations for Course Credit

Students may earn course credit by special examination. To apply for permission for such an examination, applicants must be enrolled in the University or must have completed one semester or summer session in Fairmont State. Applicants must first schedule an interview with the College or School Dean or department representative, who will evaluate the student’s background, experience, and qualifications to establish eligibility and give permission to take the examination. In order to gain college credit by special examination, students must demonstrate better than average proficiency on the examination, as determined by the examiner. Examinations will not be given for college courses in which students have previously received a grade other than “W.”

Applicants must pay a fee of $22.00 per semester credit hour for each special examination. Applications for credit may be obtained from the Academic School or Department. Please refer to the online Campus Directory for specific locations. Payment must be made in the Turley Student Services Center after the College/School Dean or department representative approves eligibility and before taking the examination. No money will be refunded if any examination is failed. No examination may be repeated.

Students will not be awarded multiple credit, standing or GPA based on duplicated advanced placement scores, tests or transfer work.