Vision Statement
Fairmont State University will be renowned for its innovative pedagogical practices and programs and as the first-choice institution for students seeking a transformative educational experience.
Mission Statement
Fairmont State University is a comprehensive, regional university committed to educating global citizen leaders in an environment distinguished by a commitment to excellence,student success and transformational impact.
Core Values And The Goals That Address Them
Family - establishing interdependence and mutual support
Diversity - engendering a culture of respect where all people’s views are acknowledged and valued
Excellence - ensuring distinction in programs, service, faculty, staff and students
Entrepreneurship - supporting creative and innovative initiatives that may have an element of risk
Safety - promoting an environment free from the occurrence or risk of injury, danger, or loss
Trust - inspiring confidence in a person in whom responsibility or authority is placed
Respect - having esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of our people
Integrity - adhering to the highest standards
Transparency - establishing visible foundations for decisions and plans
Stewardship - responsibly overseeing and protecting the things considered worth caring for and preserving
Our SOAR Values
Scholarship: To celebrate the joy and wonder of discovery.
Opportunity: To grow, learn, engage, and contribute.
Achievement: To reach personal and community goals.
Responsibility: To fulfill obligations to ourselves, the learning community, our society, and the future.