The five baccalaureate degrees granted by Fairmont State are Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology, Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Bachelor of Arts, and Bachelor of Arts in Education. For each of these five degrees a minimum of 120 semester hours of credit is required.
University Degree Requirements
Candidates for the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees must complete all major and general studies course requirements as prescribed in their chosen degree program. A minor may be required for some baccalaureate degrees. However, students cannot major and minor in the same program. Each degree program has specific major and general studies requirements. While a complete listing of all general studies courses is listed in a separate section, refer to the respective schools in this catalog for details regarding major and general studies requirements. If a degree program provides some general studies options (provides a choice of courses rather than a specific required course), reference the section with the complete general studies courses listed to see what options are available.
The minimum credit required for graduation from most degree programs is 120 semester hours, with a grade point average of 2.0 in the major and the minor with the exception of a Bachelor of Arts in Education degree, which requires at least a 2.75 in the teaching specialization(s) and overall averages.
Fairmont State defines a credit hour consistent with the Carnegie Unit: “One hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out of class student work each week for approximately 15 weeks for one semester hour of credit.”
General studies requirements may also be used to meet major or minor requirements. No course, however, may be counted more than once in meeting the number of semester hours required for graduation. For example, general studies requirements in English will also satisfy requirements for a major or minor in English.
Students are required to complete at least one designated writing intensive course as part of their general studies program or their major field of study. This course will not be in addition to other courses, but rather a course from those approved as general studies or majors courses. Students cannot use ENGL 1101 , ENGL 1102 , ENGL 1103 , ENGL 2220 , ENGL 2221 , ENGL 2230 , or ENGL 2231 to satisfy the writing intensive course requirement
All students who are candidates for degrees must attain a grade of “C” or above in ENGL 1101 , ENGL 1102 , and/or ENGL 1103 in order to prove their competence in the use of the English language. This is a requirement for graduation.
Twelve hours of one foreign language is a general requirement for a number of Bachelor of Arts degrees. Consult specific programs for details. Upon the presentation of two or more units of high school work in a foreign language currently taught at Fairmont State, students may have six hours of this requirement at the elementary level waived, provided that they are competent to continue the study of the language in classes numbered 2200 or above. However, students still must complete the required total number of hours for graduation. It is recommended that students begin their requirement in foreign language no later than their sophomore year.
Many major and general studies courses have prerequisites (courses that must first be successfully completed). The catalog section which lists all of the general studies courses also identifies the prerequisites. You can find prerequisite information for ALL courses in the section entitled “Courses .”
Students are encouraged to ALWAYS check with their assigned advisor and DegreeWorks before registering for courses.
All variations from prescribed programs must be approved by the appropriate Dean in the major/minor field before students can qualify for graduation.
Students seeking a second Bachelor’s Degree: See Admissions Requirements .
How to Declare a Double Major
Students considering a double major should first speak with advisors in both majors before making a decision. Once the curriculum requirements for both majors have been discussed and clarified, students need to fill out a “Major Change” form at the Student Services Desk (Turley Student Services Center) to declare a second major. Students with a double major will have an advisor assigned by both departments.
Students with double majors are encouraged to consult both advisors and DegreeWorks regularly during pre-registration and at other times during the academic year when they need help.