The Frank and Jane Gabor West Virginia Folklife Center publishes two journals through the Fairmont State Press established in 2004:
Traditions is a journal of West Virginia folk culture and educational awareness. First published in 1993, this annual periodical emerged from the West Virginia Humanities Summer Seminar for Teachers, Appalachian Culture: Texture, Text, and Context, a Folkloric Approach to Learning. Traditions is the continuation of West Virginia Folklore, published at Fairmont State from 1951 to 1983. Traditions is supported by Fairmont State, the Gabor WV Folklife Center, and the West Virginia Humanities Council.
Hillchild is a folklore chapbook about, for, and by children of West Virginia. First published in 2002, it is supported by Fairmont State, the Gabor WV Folklife Center, and the West Virginia Humanities Council.
The press has also published Mountain Mother Goose: Child Lore of West Virginia, children’s folklore collected by Ruth Ann Musick and Walter Barnes; a memoir, The Dulcimer Man: The Russell Fluharty Story, with companion CD; and From A Place Called Solid: West Virginia and its Writers, a literary map of West Virginia.