Writing Center
The Fairmont State Writing Center offers one-on-one peer tutoring to help students with writing assignments. This service is free for all full-time and part-time students. Tutors are trained to help with any kind of writing, including essays, research papers, technical documents, and writing in any discipline. Additional assistance is available for students with documented disabilities and those for whom English is not their first language. The Fairmont State Writing Center is located in Jaynes Hall 308. For hours of availability, check the Tutoring Services college website or call the Center at 304-333-3699. The Center accepts walk-ins or appointments.
Tutoring Center
Tutoring is available on a “drop-in” basis to all Fairmont State students through the Tutoring & Testing Center on the middle floor of the library. Students have access to both professional and student tutors in subject areas such as math, chemistry, biology, physics, engineering technology, anatomy & physiology, and much more! Praxis and TEAs test prep assistance is also available. All services are free, and tutors are trained to provide targeted assistance with academic skills, such as test preparation, effective studying techniques, and time management. Students are encouraged to visit the center early and often! For hours of availability, contact the Director of Tutoring and Testing Center in the Library, 2nd Level at 304-367-4722 or email lthompson2@fairmontstate.edu.